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Jim Sachs 04-02-2009 11:50 AM

The SGT file type is just a simplified MIDI file. This is a total mystery to me. If it wasn't reading the file properly, then it wouldn't play the first time. I'll keep trying to duplicate it, but no luck so far.

Nicki 04-02-2009 12:23 PM

According to Google/Uniblue , sgt file extension is also used by the Hitman game , if that means anything ? And I thought it stood for Sachs guitar track :p . However , in investigating this , I found out that if you start the aquarium , bring up the settings box ( right click OR spacebar ) , click music playlist , add , and then click OK on the music playlist box , not the open media file box , then click on OK to return to the program , it stays paused because the open media file box disappears under the aquarium and stays open waiting for a response . In windowed mode , you'll see it and realise to close it , but in fullscreen , you probably won't . Just thought it worth a mention .

(P.S. Cliff - yes ! I too have a hankering for a great big turnip in the country )

Dale 04-02-2009 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 112259)
Dale, - I have been doing this for quite a little while now, and I know what is required of us! :)


Wizwad 04-02-2009 01:18 PM

"Baldrick, what would you do with a million pounds?"

"Buy a really big turnip, m'Lord!"

The height of ambition!

Jav400 04-02-2009 01:33 PM


That particular one, L' Jonques de Pecheurs au Crepuscule, plays for 9:38 before repeating itself. So at least we know that something passed the 5:10 mark will play. Of course this was a mp3 instead of the other file type, but it's at least more info than we had.

cjmaddy 04-02-2009 02:12 PM

I'm currently trying to see if I can convert that .sgt file into a different file type. - So far without success... :( - Any ideas?

Wizwad 04-02-2009 02:43 PM

What happens if you just rename it as a .mid? Or does it then just not play at all?

Nicki 04-02-2009 02:44 PM

Cliff , you can use the record feature of Jet Audio ( freeware , if you don't have it already ) . You just have to set up the recording levels , where to save it , which format etc , click the start button , start the aquarium , let the music play , then hit stop and it will be saved nicely on your hard drive . The record button is just under the Jet Audio logo near the top of the player . As a WMA9 it comes out to 4.83MB . I'd PM you the copy I just made , but there doesn't seem to be an attach here or on DA forum .

cjmaddy 04-02-2009 03:08 PM

Right, - Since my last post I've succeeded in producing a MP3 Audio file from the CanonGuitar.sgt file... Yes! - It works and repeats! - Without closing down MA3. - Then, whilst MA3 was still open, I ran the .sgt file again and the aquarium closed down after a single run-through.

So to me that's conclusive that my system can't repeat files with the suffix .sgt - Next thing is, WHY? :(

Mark, - I did just rename it as a .mid, (which didn't play), but would then convert to a MP3 in a prog that I'd downloaded.

Nicki, - The prog I just used is, 'Switch Sound File Converter'. - It seems to have done a similar thing. (4,950 KB).

Jim Sachs 04-02-2009 03:15 PM

Where did you get the Canon.sgt file to convert?

cjmaddy 04-02-2009 03:19 PM

Sorry, Jim, - didn't see your post, - I've just put that info in the above edit.

Jim Sachs 04-02-2009 03:27 PM

What I'm trying to determine is how any of you are seeing a file called CanonGuitar.sgt. It's an internal file within MA3, and is only used when no other music or Playlist exist.

Ralph 04-02-2009 03:47 PM

This is just the file I was about to do a search for.. In trying to duplicate Cliff's problem I deleted ALL of my music.. BUT the CanonGuitar.sgt still plays (with music checked).. So.. I wondered if the file is in some other location.. seems not if it is an internal file within MA3

cjmaddy 04-02-2009 03:50 PM

CanonGuitar.sgt is with MA3Logolist.lst and MA3Playlist.lst in my :/Documents and Settings/My Name/Application Data/Marine Aquarium 3 folder.
I don't think I put it there, - but I have been doing a lot of moving files around!

ps, - Just found this.....

pps, - Ralph, - just seen your name in the "Birthdays" .... Quite a youngster aren't you? ;) ........ Happy Birthday! :)

Ralph 04-02-2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy (Post 112274)
Ralph, - just seen your name in the "Birthdays" .... Quite a youngster aren't you? ;) ........ Happy Birthday! :)

Thanks.. The big 64... came a lot sooner than I had hoped.. Would have gladly waited another 20 or so :)

But back to the missing CanonGuitar.sgt.. There is nothing in my C:\Documents and Settings\Ralph\Application Data\Marine Aquarium 3 folder except the altlogo.png; MA3.log MA3Logolist.lst (which has one reference inside); MA3Playlist.lst (which is empty) and openserenescreen.js (which does not seem to reference and playlists)

However... MA3 is quite able to find and play this piece.. even though it is absent and NOT listed in any place I can find

cjmaddy 04-02-2009 05:27 PM

If you do what Jim says in that above link I gave, you will find the CanonGuitar.sgt file. :)

Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 111700)
It hadn't really occurred to me that someone would want it back after removing it. If you remove everything else or delete the Playlist, then it would be back, but you'd also lose the rest of the list.

The easiest way is probably to bring the MA3Playlist.lst file into a text editor (like Notepad), and add the line "CanonGuitar.sgt" (no path is necessary). The Playlist can be found in C:\Documents and Settings\[your name]\Application Data\Marine Aquarium 3....

Jim Sachs 04-02-2009 06:14 PM

I do seem to recall that in very early versions I was actually copying the file to the computer. Maybe those are still hanging around on some people's computers.

Everyone should just delete CanonGuitar.sgt if found.

Ralph 04-02-2009 06:28 PM

Thanks cliff.. Deleting the whole file as opposed to the contents was the trick.. But... I can not bring MA3 to its knees trying to duplicate what you do..sorry

Some inconsistencies though.. perhaps..... declaring "stop" in the music dialog box has no effect if CanonGuitar.sgt is listed and the play music check mark is checked in program settings. And... if there is no listing at all (all deleted) then CanonGuitar.sgt will still play.. if the play music check mark is checked to play. I would think that the list should have priority over the play music button.. possibly with a "if list empty then uncheck play music check box"

But fix the clams (and add more features..) first, please:D

Jim Sachs 04-02-2009 07:12 PM

Ralph - I'm not quite clear on what you're saying. Here's what's supposed to happen (and does on all my machines): Starting from a clean installation (Playlist has been deleted), bringing up the Music Playlist requester shows CanonGuitar.sgt as the only entry. Pressing Play allows me to preview it, and pressing Stop stops the preview. Neither of these buttons is supposed to have any effect on whether the piece plays during the program - that's what the Music checkbox and M key are for.

The default music is designed to play anytime no other music source is specified, but the user chooses to play music (by either checkmarking the box or pressing M). It initially shows up on the list, and can be shuffled in with other tracks, or deleted. But you can't kill it - anytime there is no other source, it will come back to life.

Dale 04-02-2009 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 112272)
What I'm trying to determine is how any of you are seeing a file called CanonGuitar.sgt. It's an internal file within MA3, and is only used when no other music or Playlist exist.

In my XP system,
In C:\Documents and Settings\Myname\Application Data\Marine Aquarium 3
I have a file CanonGuitar.sgt

Note that I asked "cjmaddy" a related question [Does the playlist just say CanonGuitar.sgt - or does it (like mine does by default) show the entire path C:\Documents.........\etc.?

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