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patscarr 11-11-2007 04:11 AM

You can't know that is what happened because you are just speculating. I know that is what happened because it happened to me, twice. GA and Sharks beta testers, pipe in if your beta testing key code stopped working after beta testing.

cjmaddy 11-11-2007 05:09 AM

Pat, you are saying that, "...all beta testing key codes become obsolete when beta testing is finished and that if you were a beta tester you can easily get another free key code for the final release version by simply PMing, e-mailing, or posting somewhere to someone in the know."

I have NEVER done that. I have only EVER used whatever keycode has been sent to me. I can still run the other screensavers I have beta tested, apart from Goldfish 2, which stoped working recently. (For whatever reason!)


Originally Posted by cjmaddy
I hear what you are saying, Pat. (Very clearly! ;) ) - But you can't know that that is what happens. In fact that has NEVER happened in the past to my beta testing key codes. ALL the others still work! (Except for Goldfish 2).

That's fact, Pat, not speculation. - I've just checked through them. - Apart from those, "Phase Error In Moon!". :)

ps, Does all this really matter that much? :erm:

patscarr 11-11-2007 08:32 AM

It does matter if you keep twisting everything to fit your perception.

I understand the fact that all your previous beta testing key codes still work, except for GA2.

I know for fact that my GA2 and Sharks 2 beta testing key codes became obsolete after beta testing was finished and that I easily got another free key code for the final release version by simply PMing, or posting somewhere to someone in the know. I don't remember exactly which one I did.


Originally Posted by cjmaddy
Back in May, I was critical about the plants in Goldfish 2...
...Goldfish 2 stopped working shortly after that!

I understand that fact, but, you are speculating that Prolific canceled your GA2 beta testing key code because you were too critical about it.

Then I said that that cannot be the case and Jim agreed with me.

Originally Posted by Jim Sachs
As far as criticism and deactivation goes, there is no connection

patscarr 11-11-2007 09:01 AM

Maybe all this beta testing key code talk should be moved into a beta testing forum.

bugsymcd24 11-11-2007 09:22 AM

ok, just for grins, I went to the LifeGlobe site and tried to get my keycodes, their site said it could not complete the task no mater what e-mail address i used, so I went to the serenescreen site and also did a keycode search, and it worked, it sent me every keycode i ever got including the ones from lifeglobe... interesting.... sorry for the coffee yet... LOL

cjmaddy 11-11-2007 10:43 AM

Please don't move this to a beta thread, retrieving keycodes is relevant to everyone.

Jim Sachs 11-11-2007 10:55 AM

The early Marine Aquarium Betas which I had posted before Prolific came on board did not have any built-in time limits simply because I hadn't thought of it. The MA3 Betas will.

Cliff - I've spoken with Prolific and they should be able to get you fixed up.

Just in case anyone is listening in and getting the wrong impression, let me reiterate: I absolutely guarantee there was no connection between the critical feedback Cliff gave Eric and the expiration of his Beta copy of Goldfish. It was pure coincidence. Both Eric and Prolific LOVE criticism. Something about helping them grow and produce better products. I was never really into it, myself. :)

Ralph 11-11-2007 01:43 PM

For what it is worth.. I was a beta tester for Prolific with the GA and my key codes stopped working. I assumed it was because they timed out.. which I consider fair enough.
But.. I do not ever recall getting a new key for my time, 0r,,,, did I know this was an option (??). I too have a lot of negative feelings for Prolific (which best be kept to PM's if any one is interested)

Edgar 11-11-2007 02:00 PM

Any beta version is meant to have a timeout. If it didn't have a timeout then it was a mistake in the programmer. Betas are not meant for distribution nor to keep.

Keycodes stops working because it was keyed in with the beta versions. If it stops working, it is due to a different version was being ran.

Since final release is a different version, it may require a different keycode which all depends on the programmer if he/she remembers to set it up correctly.

Since I am one of the programmers of the keycodes system, I should know this.

If Prolific had the time to target Cliff, it would mean that Prolific just wasted a lot of resources and will keep wasting resources to keep that change. Since I know there was no change to keycode routines to target Cliff, then you should all believe me there wasn't.

Edgar 11-11-2007 02:08 PM

I also know that Prolific and SereneScreen are very open to any criticisms to make sure we have the best product out there. Why have any Beta testing at all if all you want to hear are good response?

I don't normally say too much in this forum other than to help anybody who needs help. This is the first that actually provoke me to speak out more.

Note that the comments about the automatic search of keycodes failing to send back responses is very much appreciated. I will let the person in charge of that section in Prolific know about it so he can fix it.

patscarr 11-11-2007 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Edgar
Any beta version is meant to have a timeout. If it didn't have a timeout then it was a mistake in the programmer. Betas are not meant for distribution nor to keep.

Keycodes stops working because it was keyed in with the beta versions. If it stops working, it is due to a different version was being ran.

Since final release is a different version, it may require a different keycode which all depends on the programmer if he/she remembers to set it up correctly.

Since I am one of the programmers of the keycodes system, I should know this.

Thanks for piping in here Edgar. I have one more question for you though. Is it your policy to give all beta testers a free final release keycode, or are you selective in giving those out to certain beta testers who are not too critical? I think I know the answer already but we need to hear it from you.

cjmaddy 11-12-2007 04:31 AM

Let's hope this can be my last post on this subject, it's getting repetitive! - No opinions here, just facts...

I had had a working copy of Goldfish 2 since its inception, working continuously until some weeks ago, (ie, years after it had passed its final release). Then, for whatever reason, it stopped working and required a keycode to be entered, (...or the word, 'LIFEGLOBE'). - But now I can find no trace of a Goldfish 2 keycode anywhere, neither in any email sent to me, (which of course could be my fault), but more importantly in the accessible data bases at LifeGlobe/Prolific/SereneScreen.
I still have all the other keycode emails, including Sharks 2, but not Goldfish 2, only Goldfish 1. - All those keycodes are also on the data base, and all of them still work. As do some of the old beta versions, even some of the Goldfish betas, but a few display the, "Phase Error In Moon". ie. Those that are timed-out. Not all Goldfish betas however contain the "Phase Error In Moon", that practice was not always used, we were informed at the time.

I don't care who you believe, Pat, I know what the facts are.

My original reason for posting in this thread was to agree with Morgan, on the possible difficulties that might occur whilst trying to recover an old keycode. And to highlight that in trying to retrieve my Goldfish 2 keycode, one that I had been using for years, now no longer existed. - All the other keycodes were there, and available. Except for Goldfish 2. But two keycodes on the database invoices, (assigned to me), were marked "Deleted from database".... This may indeed be pure coincidence, I leave you to form your own conclusions. - But don't accuse me of "keep twisting everything" to fit my perception. - I don't do that! - I can only tell it as it is, and that is what I have done here.

Edgar 11-12-2007 03:35 PM

I did some more research and talk to Jim (the other Jim) about the "Deleted from database". We have many bundles that are sold to the same customer. Rather than keep different keycodes per bundle, when the database was redone, it was consolidated so its customer will have one keycode per product. So if you are one of these customers, then you will have entries that some keycodes were deleted from the database.

About the Beta keycodes, they are not put in the database but just generated for the beta testing. However, those keycodes should still work on the final release because when Jim (the other Jim) gives out the beta keycodes, they were already meant to work on the final release version.

As I explained before about beta versions, the screensaver themselves are meant to expire if it is a beta version not the keycode.

Since the beta keycodes are meant to work on the final release, then technically each beta testers are given access to final release but not included in the database.

If you lose your beta keycode then you will need to get a replacement through feedback so someone can manually replace it and verify that you were a beta tester for that product. The automatic keycode retrieval will not work since it isn't in the database.

This procedure may change but there is no guarantee.

Tiny Turtle 11-13-2007 01:09 AM

Could someone please provide Cliff with a new code and we can put this one to rest then?

Jim Sachs 11-13-2007 01:35 AM

Already done.

feldon34 11-13-2007 11:40 AM

Add "add keycode to database" as a step in the beta process. :)

cjmaddy 11-13-2007 11:41 AM

Yes, I now have one, it's AHOLE-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx. I shall be returning it to them. They obviously know where they can put it.
I don't have to put up with their nonsense, so they now have another ex-customer.

I have sent you a PM, Jim.

Tiny Turtle 11-13-2007 02:35 PM

:eek: You're kidding? That's the least professional thing I've heard all year.

/Tiny Idiots

Jav400 11-13-2007 02:54 PM

Let me say that after a PM from Cliff I have deleted most of the post here, as some things are not my right to comment on. This situation may be one best left to Jim S. to consider.

I do not enjoy seeing things said that could be considered flames to either a member of this forum, or to a company that Jim chooses to represent his product.

If Cliff wishes to discuss his feelings he is more than welcome too, but I would hope that things do not degenerate into something less than we expect here.......

At this point I await the coments of Jim S.

patscarr 11-13-2007 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by cjmaddy
it's AHOLE-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx.

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