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Shinsa 01-26-2002 01:45 AM

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The Urchin 01-26-2002 01:34 PM

Pepe makes new friends !

CANDYMAN 02-07-2002 07:09 PM

I can't honostly say he was interested in the aquarium but it looks like he

grape_jellyfish 02-08-2002 07:44 PM

People pay to get rid of those don't they?

Just kidding :) to each his/her own.

FishyBusiness 02-09-2002 12:23 AM

Candyman, it looks as if he was going for that bag of candy!

just some guy 03-18-2002 07:26 AM


Tiny Turtle 03-18-2002 08:37 AM

JSG, that's sweet. Makes me wish I hade a dog twice my size too...


Darkness2k 03-21-2002 07:38 PM

Mr. Fuff
My Cat, Fuff.


Duke 05-07-2002 07:52 PM

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Ubi's favorite hangout....

Axle 07-09-2002 11:43 PM

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AHA! Finnaly i can post my best cat here!!

Here's my beautiful persian himilayan kitty, Pussy:

Enigma 08-23-2002 12:47 AM

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My new kitten and her first encounter with the aquarium.

Matt 09-17-2002 07:27 PM

hmmm, I hate cats personally, much prefer dogs!

feldon34 09-17-2002 08:25 PM

I am not really into genetic engineering, but if they came up with a Labrador Retriever that never got bigger than a puppy and otherwise lived a healthy life, I'd get one right now. :D

Gerty 10-24-2002 07:16 PM

I'm not much of a cat person myself - I do have a dog. Too bad I don't have any pics of him with the computer, but the screen saver I have is here at work (not at home). Anyway, I'll see if I can get one just to put on here and show all of you.

BTW, cute pics of all the cats diggin' the aquarium screen saver...gotta love it!!

patscarr 12-06-2002 07:24 AM

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Here's my new puppy (no name yet) admiring the aquarium.

patscarr 12-06-2002 07:29 AM

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Here are both pups, not paying any attention at all to the aquarium. Probably thinking about food.

Jim Sachs 12-17-2002 12:08 PM

Freshwater Aquarium Update
Here's an update for those hungry for news about the SereneScreen Freshwater Aquarium.

For the past week I've been very busy assembling materials to create the background. I designed the basic layout about 6 months ago, but made many false starts in trying to get it on the screen. I originally thought that I could photograph plastic plants in a dry set, then retouch them to make them look more real, so I bought nearly every plastic plant available. Well, though the current state of plastic aquarium plants is better than it's ever been, they still lacked something.

So about 10 days ago, I ordered several hundred dollars worth of real plants fresh from the growers, and have been photographing them in a real tank, one branch at a time. The first Freshwater background will be a hybrid of 3D and 2D objects, with many of the plants able to sway slightly. It's extremely time consuming separating out a branch, positioning it in the tank against a backlit background, running the filter for half an hour to clear up the water, shutting off the filter for several minutes to get rid of the pinpoint bubbles, then finally taking a shot.

I've also learned some things about aquarium plants. First, some of them grow REALLY fast with a lot of light. Two plants which were perfect for photos yesterday have now grown 2 inches, and are touching the waterline today. Second, some plants change greatly when the lights are turned on. Leaves unfold, tendrils spread out, and plants green up after the lights are on for about an hour.

Well, back to work before these plants start popping out of the tank.

Socrates 12-17-2002 01:19 PM


That's really all I can say.

Sounds like a fun project, trouble and all.

drfish 12-17-2002 01:28 PM

Thanks for giving us someting to talk about Jim! :) Man, this sounds like it's going to be very cool! What kind of plants are you working with, as I read it I as thinking amazon swords... Will the background fade like it does now or will the whole thing be covered like in the new SimAquarium? Seems like it might be hard to reastically sway plants in front of a constantly changing color cycling gradient backgound.

Socrates 12-17-2002 01:34 PM


Originally posted by drfish
Thanks for giving us someting to talk about Jim! :) Man, this sounds like it's going to be very cool! What kind of plants are you working with, as I read it I as thinking amazon swords... Will the background fade like it does now or will the whole thing be covered like in the new SimAquarium? Seems like it might be hard to reastically sway plants in front of a constantly changing color cycling gradient backgound.

IF they are 3d objects like the fish wouldn't it be about the same difficulty level also?

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