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Schnaaps 08-30-2004 07:30 PM


HAHA, I have a Mac, PC, and Linux server. Everyone needs a sporty convertible, and practical truck, and a good pair of skiis.

Just give me more RAM and I am happy.

Jim Sachs 08-30-2004 08:14 PM

Which one is the skiis?

Tiny Turtle 08-31-2004 12:54 AM

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


(Thanks, Mr. Sachs)

Jim Sachs 08-31-2004 09:12 AM

I have a PC, an Amiga, and a Mac PowerPC - because everyone needs a computer, a paperweight, and a doorstop.

cjmaddy 08-31-2004 10:52 AM

I have a PC, a Spectrum, and a ZX81 - because everyone needs a computer, a link with the past, and I'm a hoarder.

drfish 08-31-2004 11:19 AM

I have 4 PCs and a PDA, because everyone needs 4 PCs and a PDA... :compute:

Edit: oOHh... My sig looks good in the Mac forum... ;)

johnblommers 08-31-2004 11:31 AM

Speaking of hoarding
Well, I have two TRS-80 Model I's, a TRS-100 laptop, and a Mac Classic in the attic.

Because I can't throw anything away, I need my links to the past, and I love classy doorstops.

JimO'Connor 08-31-2004 11:38 AM

I have a 2x2GHz G5, a 2x1GHz G4 and a 800MHz Powerbook (and two Windows computers which are a couple years old). I *had* a Newton MessagePad 100 and a QuickTake 150. I have a closet full of old Apple proprietary cords, keyboards and crud because you never know when someone will need an original ADB mouse. Though I'm about to conclude that their day has passed and chuck the whole lot because I need the storage space for the next generation of clutter.

Wizwad 08-31-2004 02:44 PM

I have a network, both wired and wireless, with mostly self built PCs, processors ranging from a P233 to a P4 3.02GHz, graphics ranging from Matrox Millenium II to nVidia 6200, motherboards both AT and ATX.

Because everybody needs a friendly neighbourhood geek. :D

But just wait until I win the lottery!! :D

Jim Sachs 08-31-2004 04:02 PM

OK! Let's all just admit that mine was the funniest, and move on :)

Wizwad 08-31-2004 04:13 PM

OK Jim. You win. :D

You can't blame us for trying to emulate the master, though, can you? :D

cjmaddy 08-31-2004 04:35 PM


Marian Nichols 08-31-2004 04:37 PM

Boys, boys, boys, tisk tisk, tisk, I did notice none of us ladies, and I used the term facetiously, took part in this little exchange. Why? We would have won hands down. :D

EDIT: I had two negatives in my sentence and of that would have made it a positive.

Surferminn 08-31-2004 04:48 PM

ha-ha-ha. this page has got to be earmarked as a classic. :D
cannot believe you guys let Jim bully you, tsk, tsk, tsk... not fair as the other guys in the other time zones like pat who hasn't had time to chime in yet.... :)


johnblommers 08-31-2004 05:14 PM

Where's the emotional baggage?

Originally posted by JimO'Connor
I have a 2x2GHz G5, a 2x1GHz G4 and a 800MHz Powerbook (and two Windows computers which are a couple years old). I *had* a Newton MessagePad 100 and a QuickTake 150. I have a closet full of old Apple proprietary cords, keyboards and crud because you never know when someone will need an original ADB mouse. Though I'm about to conclude that their day has passed and chuck the whole lot because I need the storage space for the next generation of clutter.
WT? It seems that Jim suddenly got into the computer business a few short years ago? He has no old computers on his brag list. He has no emotional baggage in his attic. Just kicking mean hardware :TU:

So what does it mean that I still have my first :heart: computer, the TRS-80 Model I, with its expansion interface (ups the RAM to 48KBytes), three single density single sided 5-1/4 inch floppy drives daisychained off it, running TRS-DOS 2.3 (trash DOS). I still have the manuals too. What does it mean? And I have my original ScriptSit word processor :contract: for it too, for which I had to write a driver so it would work with my Microline 80 dot matrix printer, which I still also have!

Emotional baggage? It defines the man :TU:

JimO'Connor 08-31-2004 06:08 PM

Re: Where's the emotional baggage?

Originally posted by johnblommers
WT? It seems that Jim suddenly got into the computer business a few short years ago? He has no old computers on his brag list. He has no emotional baggage in his attic. Just kicking mean hardware :TU:

Well, I had an Atari 400 (membrane keyboard) with 16k RAM and a cassette tape drive my senior year of high school, then I got a REAL computer, the Atari 800 with a 5 1/4" floppy disk drive. Wow, didn't have to wait 30 minutes for my programs to load from the error prone cassette tape, and I could tell when I pressed a key down!

I bought two of the original 128k RAM 400k floppy drive Macs in the summer of 1984 with two Imagewriters for over $5000. I worked on one and leased the other to my father's business. Then came the guy who upgraded the 128k to 512k in his apartment, and then an Apple 512ke upgrade, and then to the SE, added a 68030 accelerator card and hard drive to it (that was a sweet machine). Then a Mac IIx, Mac IIci, Powerbook 540, PowerPC 7500/80(?), Powerbook 5300, PowerPC 8100/120(?), Powerbook G3 (400MHz), iMac (333MHz), PowerMac G4 500(?), and now my current inventory. I don't dare think about adding together what I've paid for all of that through the years.

I don't keep my emotional baggage in computer inventory. :)

johnblommers 08-31-2004 06:24 PM

So where are all the ladies?

Originally posted by Marian Nichols
Boys, boys, boys, tisk tisk, tisk, I did notice none of us ladies, and I used the term facetiously, took part in this little exchange. Why? We would have won hands down. :D

EDIT: I had two negatives in my sentence and of that would have made it a positive.

It would be VERY interesting to hear what sort of old computer gear the ladies are keeping around. Bring it on :cool:

feldon34 08-31-2004 07:04 PM

I do sometimes miss the simplicity of my Mac IIci. Can't say as I miss the Mac Plus though. 9" screen! :eek:

johnblommers 08-31-2004 10:22 PM

Give me BASIC again!
1 Attachment(s)
You guys are making me homesick for good old BASIC. I want my Apple // GS back

patscarr 09-01-2004 04:00 AM


Originally posted by Jim Sachs
OK! Let's all just admit that mine was the funniest, and move on :)

Thanks for thinking of me, Min. :)

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