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Jim Sachs 03-05-2004 12:48 AM

James - there's really no reason to touch the Anamorphic Factor setting. Just leave it at .8. It will automatically adjust the widescreen to display at the proper aspect ratio for any resolution, assuming that your monitor has been adjusted so that the non-widescreen version fills the screen at that resolution.

James 03-05-2004 12:56 AM


Originally posted by Jim Sachs
James - there's really no reason to touch the Anamorphic Factor setting. Just leave it at .8. It will automatically adjust the widescreen to display at the proper aspect ratio for any resolution, assuming that your monitor has been adjusted so that the non-widescreen version fills the screen at that resolution.
Thank you Jim, and yes, it automatically set to .8 for me, but when I use it on my normal LCD monitor, it automatically set to 1, and if there's really no need to adjust this factor, than what's the purpose of putting that in the setting? or is it still become handy when some monitor is not "adjusted"? and what exactly do you mean the monitor has been "adjusted"? by what?

Thanks again!

Jim Sachs 03-05-2004 01:57 AM

To adjust your monitor, simply bring up the NON-widescreen version, select a resolution, and adjust the monitor so that the picture fills the screen. The when you switch to the widescreen version, the program should letterbox the picture into the proper aspect ratio. This needs to be done separately for any resolution you plan to use.

This assumes that you are using a 4:3 monitor. The Anamorphic Factor is really there for all the other weird types of display devices which people will try to use. Maybe they have a Plasma display and already have the controls set properly for the TV signal they usually watch. Instead of messing up those settings, they could use the Anamorphic Factor to adjust the Aquarium image.

James 03-05-2004 03:49 AM

Thank you again Jim, I'm now crystal clear

Manymosi 03-05-2004 04:56 AM

What is the Start Window Mode setting For?

Tiny Turtle 03-05-2004 06:08 AM

If you want the program to start up in a window instead of in full-screen mode. It's so those who want a window in the background won't have to press [F] after starting it.

/Tiny Shortcut

Yellow Tang 03-05-2004 06:37 AM

The new Rock Beauty is definatly one of my favourites now. Cute big eyes.
Thank you Jim for this amazing piece of art!
Also the new (old) Queen Angel is a great addition.

The only problem I had was getting it on a floppy. What happened? ;)

bugsymcd24 03-05-2004 06:40 AM

ok..I am using dual monitors, are the two suppose to show the exact same thing on both (cloned pictures), or is it suppose to be one and the fish swim back and forth between the two... if the latter, how can I get it to do this, also when I go to windowed mode and try and stretch it between the two monitors, my secondary monitor freezes whatever is displayed, for example if I set the window, and darg it so it is shown partly on one monitor and the other, one side the fish are moving, the other size the aquarium is frozen. if I drag the whole thing to the frozen side, it all freezes, if I drag it to the other side it resumes movement...

feldon34 03-05-2004 07:26 AM

I don't think Windowed mode will ever be able to stretch across 2 monitors.

Also I had not heard from Prolific that dual monitor gets you fish "swimming from 1 monitor to the other". If it does this is very interesting!

bugsymcd24 03-05-2004 08:25 AM

well... with the 2.0 version, I could set the window to play on both with it stretched between the with 2.01...not.

bugsymcd24 03-05-2004 08:31 AM

also..I stll have 2.0 installed, with 2.01.. if I run 2.0 and then close it and open 2.01.. it takes on 2.0's control panel and wide screen is not available.. and then spanning the 2 monitors work...if I reboot and do not run 2.0, I have wide screen option and then the spanning freezes on the 2nd monitor.

iMark 03-05-2004 09:00 AM

Like I said, I'm not technically savvy so I'm just winging it, but the way I got it to span the monitors is...I have two 17"lcd's, 4:3 ratio, hung side by side on the wall, however one of them is a monitor that also built-in tv, so I could span them by using the analog+tv mode. Half the widescreen aquarium is on one monitor, the other half is on the other. By adjusting the resolution and tweaking the anamorphic factor, I could get a decent view, altho a bit off the top/bottom is cut off. In this fashion, the fish swim from monitor to monitor as they cross the aquarium. We also used the anamorphic factor when throwing the widescreen aquarium up on the plasma. Depending on the look we wanted, we could set the resolution high to focus on a certain part of the aqurium and have the fish really big, or we could set it to a resolution so that there were no black bars on the top and bottom of the plasma and then tweak the anamorphic factor so we didn't lose much the height of the aquarium ( we centered it so that we just lost a bit of the sand). However we do lose about an inch on each side of the aquarium. This was a happy medium for us, since our objective was to showcase the fish.

iMark 03-05-2004 09:13 AM

Now that I've thougth about it for a sec...technically, we're not using dual monitor mode to see the fish swim from monitor to monitor, since it is fed to the second 17" lcd via s-video. So I'll remove myself from this discussion.

patscarr 03-05-2004 09:27 AM

Yeah, it no longer fits on a 3.5 floppy. :(

bugsymcd24 03-05-2004 09:31 AM

3.5 floppy....they still make those? havn't use one in over a year. LOL

jleslie 03-05-2004 09:37 AM

Crashes for me...
Minor word of warning. I found it killed my Win2k system with a kmode exception not handled error (2 out of 2 times). MA2.0 still works fine. So I'd suggest saving anything you want saved before giving it its first try...

bugsymcd24 03-05-2004 09:42 AM

ok here is the problem at least form me as well.. with allthe other screen savers... I can put them into windowed mode and drag the window to the 2nd monitor and make the window big enough to fill the screen and work on the first monitor, now with 2.01 if I drag the window to the second monitor all freezes, and if I minimize, and restore it come up black... I have messed with all the control panel settings for monitor 2 and nothing seems to help. I hate to keep beating this horse, I just wanted to make my point as clear as possible... :)

Jim Sachs 03-05-2004 09:43 AM

Pat - that's right, with the installer and the entire widescreen background included, the program no longer fits on a floppy.

Tiny Turtle 03-05-2004 11:04 AM

Earlier, it ws an outspoken goal of Jim's that the SS should fit on one floppy. A little protest against all the bloatware out there...

/Tiny Downloading Time

bugsymcd24 03-05-2004 11:15 AM

yeah i know, I was just poking a little fun :)

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