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cjmaddy 04-16-2011 01:35 PM

Harvey's invisible..... don't you remember?... ;) .... He doesn't exist!

Jim Sachs 04-16-2011 02:21 PM

Making a bit of progress each night.

rctneil 04-16-2011 04:41 PM

Any ideas when we'll get to try out a beta of Harvey?

Jim Sachs 04-16-2011 11:05 PM

Not yet.

Andy Lavies 04-17-2011 01:05 PM

Come - 'tis Spring and there are garden things to do, walks to take and grandchildren to look after. Computers and eels will have to wait a (little) while.

Jim Sachs 04-17-2011 02:44 PM

Family issues have been taking precedence for the past couple of weeks, but I do manage to get some progress done most nights. The eel is able to poke his head out of the cave and back in, and the "breathing" cycle is working pretty well. The bending of the neck is the only obstacle left.

streetwolf 04-17-2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 132152)
Family issues have been taking precedence for the past couple of weeks, but I do manage to get some progress done most nights. The eel is able to poke his head out of the cave and back in, and the "breathing" cycle is working pretty well. The bending of the neck is the only obstacle left.

You could put a neck brace on Harvey so he couldn't bend his neck. He can then claim whip-splash and collect insurance clams. But then that would be eelegal wouldn't it?

Wizwad 04-17-2011 04:08 PM

*groooaaaaann* Aw man, that was bad. Reelly terrible.

Racer57 04-18-2011 09:29 AM

Jim, r u gonna put some more rocks next to the cave wall where the eel pokes his head out from? As you know, and as depicted by the picture I posted on my "dive", they like tight spaces. Also it would cut down on the amount of the body showing and might save you a little work.


Jim Sachs 04-19-2011 09:32 AM

No, that would add even more work. The eel is actually done, except for bending the neck.

Digital Lungfish 04-20-2011 04:01 PM

I say give Harvey some teeth, real nasty ones, then put a metal collar around his neck with a chain connecting him to the back of the cave.

What? :confused: I'm not crazy, honest.

When you guys were kids didn't you dream of having a real life sea monster in your very own aquarium??? :D

Actually, that's how I came to have a lungfish later in life. Since they are considered to be "living fossils" of a sort, it's as close to the real thing as I could ever hope for. If Coelacanth were legal to own and didn't die in captivity like they do, I'd be all over a custom 200+ gallon tank all decked out with prehistoric rocks, plants, etc.

Wizwad 04-20-2011 04:18 PM

See the Doctor Who episode where we get the first full Matt Smith episode where we meet Amy Pond and her polymorph alien houseguest. That the sort of thing you're thinking of, Steve? ;)

Digital Lungfish 04-20-2011 08:06 PM

Ah yes, I recall that episode. :) Sure, that beastie would in fact look quite nice in the aquarium. lol

henemly 04-22-2011 06:47 PM

Reminds me of Brine shrimp "sea monsters".

Mith 04-23-2011 10:23 PM

grrr... fix the fish

Racer57 04-26-2011 10:53 AM


Jim Sachs 04-26-2011 03:05 PM

Sorry, guys - my mother and stepfather had some serious heath issues come up, and I've been in California handling those. Harvey will just have to wait a little longer.

ESHIREY 04-26-2011 05:41 PM

Oh God. I hope they will be ok. Our prayers go out to you and them.

Surferminn 04-26-2011 08:43 PM

Do what you gotta do. Sounds like you have your priority set okay. Take good care of yourselves too while caring for your folks.

Jav400 04-27-2011 05:04 AM

Best wishes Jim, and I hope everything gets better for all involved.

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