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Jav400 05-10-2001 01:40 PM

Re: Fish wishlist
The Lionfish has been added to the group of "Specialty Fish". A Majestic Angel is being looked at, but may cause some rendering problems with the spots on the sides. Also the Percula Clownfish and Anemone symbiotic relationship will be implemented in the future. There are several things that must be done first, but it is in the plans.

snorkler 05-10-2001 11:18 PM

Re: Fish wishlist
How about Starfish? any kind would be OK!
Hermit Crabs?
Conchs or other shellfish??
Maybe I missed these if they are on your lists- too many pages to go back and revue!

05-11-2001 10:38 AM

Titleless mode?
How about an option in window mode that does away with the title bar. That way you have the aquarium with a thin border around it and nothing else. Very clean :)


feldon34 05-11-2001 05:22 PM

Re: Titleless mode?
I'd like to see this too.

I have no idea how much work is involved in picking a different window type. Maybe Jim can get ahold of the little toolbar code like Winamp and Photoshop use for the toolbars.

I don't think Jim would be happy without having an [X] button at least.

05-11-2001 09:20 PM

Re: Titleless mode?
I have a WinTV card. When you right click in the middle of the window, the title toggles off, right click again and it comes back on. I also like the feature in WinAMP where it docks with the sides, top, or bottom of the screen. I think both of these features should be built into Windows, so they could be used with any program.


Digital Lungfish 05-12-2001 12:25 AM

Re: Titleless mode?
Active Desktop items have this sort of functionality in Windows. Once you've placed the image where you want it on your desktop and move the mouse pointer away, the boarder and the [X] disappear. To make it reappear you simply hover the mouse pointer over the image for a few seconds.

If possible, perhaps Jim could request this bit of code from Microsoft so that he can have the aquarium running as a more intergral part of Windows. What do you think about that Jim?

- DL

Jim Sachs 05-12-2001 12:28 AM

Re: Titleless mode?
It's pretty far down on a very long list.

Digital Lungfish 05-12-2001 12:45 AM

Re: Titleless mode?
Agreed, but do you think it's actually possible to do this?

- DL

Jim Sachs 05-12-2001 01:30 AM

Re: Titleless mode?

05-20-2001 11:34 PM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
Ok - I like the requests for all the new additions. I like the idea of the Live Coral with the clown fish wriggling through the tenticles.

I also think it would be awesome to have some larger fish as well - small shark, Rays, Lions, eels.

But the truth to this post is that there are only a select few fish that live with live anenomes and coral.

When having tanks you usually have decide on a few select fish or an anenome/coral tank as all these animals do not require the same tank conditions.

I propose with the deluxe registration it opens up the ability to select form a couple of preset tank types. This gives you options that are preset and determined on what animals live together and require the same conditions.

Brent Wullenwaber

feldon34 05-21-2001 07:15 AM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
Lionfish is coming.
Shark maybe.
Ray, I don't know.

As for the Clownfish and Anemone, the rules of fish incompatibility are being ignored for the Aquarium. After all, we'll have an Octopus and Jellyfish available! Neither would work in this tank.

As for multiple tanks, this might happen, but not for the reason you're thinking--strictly for aesthetics.

codgio 05-21-2001 05:30 PM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
I've recently had another look at the wishlist photograph pages and noticed that a Manta Ray has been added.

I'm no fish boffin, but are these guy's not somewhat large for the size of aquarium we're talking about?

Just a thought

Jav400 05-21-2001 05:46 PM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST

You are correct about size, Jim has considered skates, rays, and sharks from the beginning, and size is one of the major considerations at this point. He has yet to make a final determination, but we can always hope. :)

feldon34 05-21-2001 09:03 PM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
I loved the picture and had to add it. Notice it has no * meaning it's not likely for inclusion.

ajlaban 05-26-2001 09:53 AM

Pakistani Butterfly
One of my favorite fish is the Pakistani Butterfly. I note that it is in the wish list but have seen no references to it on the forum.

Is this a fish Jim is considering for addition to the Aquarium?

Jim Sachs 05-26-2001 11:30 AM

Re: Pakistani Butterfly
The high-frequency stripes on the Pakistani Butterfly just wouldn't work.

Likely candidates for the next update are the Annularis Angel, Emperator Angel, Black-tailed Damsel, Majestic Angel, Bi-color Angel, Asfur Angel, or Koran Angel.

ajlaban 05-26-2001 02:37 PM

Re: Pakistani Butterfly

Thanks for the reply. I had a hunch the high frequency strips on the Pakistani Butterfly could be a problem.

The top candidates you list for the next addition are all splendid fish, excepting the Damsel (IMO), especially the first two. The Annularis Angel has very striking markings and presents a color variation not currently in the repertory. The Emperator Angel is not only striking in its markings but presents a slightly different frontal shape for the Angel family. I would hate to pick from these two but that's why you get the big bucks! ha ha. Hopefully, both will eventually be included.

05-29-2001 11:30 PM

Fish Suggestion
The bicolor blennie (or another blennie species) would be a unique addition to the screensaver. Though not colored brightly like some of the other fish, they have very interesting behavior, a cute and funny face, and a cool swimming style (like an eel). They perch on rocks and swim backwards into holes where they hide with only their head sticking out.

feldon34 05-30-2001 05:26 AM

Re: Fish Suggestion
I'm still hoping for the Firefish Gobi. I finally saw a tank with 3-4 in them. The little arm or loose toothpick like fin floats freely so that might be tough to produce.

I've never seen a Bicolored Blennie with such subtle coloring. The ones I'd seen looked close to the Gramma already in the tank.

Coelacanth 05-30-2001 07:55 PM

Re: Fish Suggestion
Minor correction: I believe it is spelled "goby," not "gobi", and "blenny", not "blennie." Also the Mandarin "Gobi" in the wishlist is actually a Mandarin Dragonet -- not a member of the goby family, though fish stores still refer to them as gobies. :)

I agree a purple firefish would be cool. It would have to flick that dorsal fin just right, though, and would have to have a hole or cave that it can dash into when bigger fish come around or it's chased.

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