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Jim Sachs 01-16-2014 12:53 AM

I don't have a clue on that problem, but here's a new version which fixes a couple of other things.

The starfish will now be initialized to its normal position if there is no Registry entry for it. I haven't eliminated your ability to put it in other locations using the Registry (yet), but the height should always be about right - no more floating starfish.

The eel will now default to ON if a pre-MA3.3 Registry list is being used (one which does not contain the eel). As soon as you exit the new version, a v3.3 Registry list will be saved, with the eel either on or off depending on how you have set it. Note that you can have up to 50 different Fish Sets, and the eel can be on or off in any of them.

Jav400 01-16-2014 03:58 AM

I think I have it fixed on my end. It looks like it had something to do with the graphics settings. I think it had to do with the laptop switching between the graphics card and the on board graphics chip to save power. When I set everything to stay with the 780m they start working fine again.

harris 01-16-2014 05:56 AM

Sorry, Jim.

In my excitement I forgot your long standing rule - you don't want any modifications to MA, so I deleted the post. It would be nice if you could keep the request on you wish list, though.

phil 01-16-2014 12:21 PM

Happy New Year, to you all, I have not been able to connect to your website for a while, as there was a problem connecting to your website showing error website down !!!
but able to connect today. I want to thank you Jim for the new features added to the Tank, hope you had a great Christmas and best Wishes for the New Year.
I would love to see some of the "live corrals" activated come alive in the future that are already in the tank, that is my wish. Thank you Jim Happy New Year

patscarr 01-16-2014 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 151411)
Pat - can't you just use CTRL-R to reset the settings?

Oh sure. That works. :)

patscarr 01-18-2014 04:58 PM

Well, if you can't do the starfish on the glass this time around, how about a critter from the wishlist, like a shrimp or something, and it could be swapped in and out of the tank with the starfish? Maybe even make it an Easter egg, hidden until MA3 runs for so many hours, or not.

I went to go look for the fish pictures on the wishlist, but it seems to be missing.

feldon34 01-18-2014 05:25 PM

I recently performed a software upgrade on the server, which broke the fansite. When I get time, I will bring it back.

philosopher 01-18-2014 05:39 PM

Jim, I just wanted to let you know that the new feather dusters look fantastic and that everything is working very well for me! (Windows 8.1 running on a 15" Retina Display MacBook Pro via Bootcamp)

As far as a wish-list: Everything you've ever added to the tank has been fantastic. So I'm absolutely fine with whatever excites you.

What would you most like to see?

Ralph 01-18-2014 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by feldon34 (Post 151459)
I recently performed a software upgrade on the server, which broke the fansite. When I get time, I will bring it back.

Is that why we have the Christmas scene in the logo as well :D

Jav400 01-19-2014 07:20 AM


Hit Ctl+F5 ;)

phil 01-19-2014 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by feldon34 (Post 151459)
I recently performed a software upgrade on the server, which broke the fansite. When I get time, I will bring it back.

Hi Glad you have found out what was causing the problem, with the Fan Website. :)

Ralph 01-19-2014 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Jav400 (Post 151465)

Hit Ctl+F5 ;)

Very strange this.. the Christmas scene shows up on my SeaMonkey (Mozilla suite) browser.. clearing the cache, reloading the page, Ctl+F5 all do nothing. And.. this is a recent occurrence.. It was "back to normal" just a few days ago.
The logo shows correctly in FireFox, Opera, and IE and SeaMonkey on my laptop.
And after all the testing on other browsers.. it is now correct here as well.

Jav400 01-19-2014 04:52 PM

LOL, sometimes Ralph, the gremlins just like to confuse people for no reason what-so-ever. :)

Jav400 01-19-2014 08:34 PM


Just for future reference to your work --

I have yet to figure out just why, but the reason for me with the freezing featherdusters is when I switch to the Intel HD Graphics 4600 on the laptop. If it is running using that everything works fine on the aquarium EXCEPT for the feather dusters. If I change back to the primary video source being the nVidia 780m, then everything works fine INCLUDING the featherdusters. :confused:

I will continue to play with the settings here to see if I can solve the problem, but I can definitely tell this is the cause of the freezing at this point.

Jim Sachs 01-20-2014 01:04 AM

Looking at the code, I don't see where I'm doing anything different with displaying the featherdusters compared to the clams, waving Gorgonia, etc. I'll keep looking, though.

Jav400 01-20-2014 08:41 AM


I took some time and went through every setting on the drivers that was allowed and can't come up with anything that will work to get the featherdusters moving. I also took some time to sit and study the screen and noticed that I was wrong.

The fan behind Harvey's house moves and works fine, the purple on the far right works fine. In the clams, the foremost blue clam towards the front of the screen works, but the other two do not.

I saw the front one moving and didn't pay that much attention to the other two, my fault. So whatever is causing this with this particular setup is endemic to the feather dusters, and the back two clams only.

Jim Sachs 01-20-2014 09:09 AM

Are you sure that the fish that triggered the front clam was close enough to the other two to also trigger them? The front one is triggered far more often.

jimkraz 01-20-2014 09:17 AM

I too have the same problem as Jav400, though all my clams are working, but none of the feather dusters move, they neither sway or draw in when fish approach, I also run on Intel, an Intel HD4000 onboard chip, yet the same .scr file works as it should on my Desktop. Jim

Jav400 01-20-2014 09:30 AM

Rats, you are correct Jim. I thought I had some additional information to give you a broader base to study. :(

In sitting for a few minutes just now and watching I did see the back two clams move when the program initially started. So I guess those work as well. At this point without more study the only conclusion I can arrive at is that there is something different about the featherdusters because everything else within the program works as it should.

Jim Sachs 01-20-2014 09:36 AM

OK, so it seems to be a problem with Intel chips.

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