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04-29-2001 10:50 PM

Hopefully this one wasn't already mentioned
Just got an idea for a new great feature - overlay support. I got it after downloading the latest version of WinAMP (2.74) - the AVS vis library (which is included in WinAMP installation) has this feature and it makes it possible to render the effect directly on the windows desktop (and even antialiased in hardware) - You just have to set the color value (RGB) that will be replaced with the effect. Would it be possible to render the tank in the same way?

Shinsa 04-30-2001 12:12 AM

Re: Hopefully this one wasn't already mentioned
HEY! I just downloaded that version today... What is this you are talking about??? Video overlaY?? I didn't see anything about it. Of course, I only listen to my legally ripped cd's with my winamp anyway ;)

Digital Lungfish 04-30-2001 01:41 AM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
Looks like someone has paid a visit to recently :) and here I thought I was the ONLY person at that had an active interest in "living fossils" and who actually knows what they are. Well, it's nice to see other's expressing interest in this area of "paleo ichthyology" as I like to call it.

In fact, I've been working on a site dedicated to Living Fossils for a few years now (off and on). When I finish putting the final touches on it, I'll have to make sure that I post the URL here so you can check it out. It's been a long time in the making, but hopefully I'll have it completed and up some time later this year if everything works out. Unfortunately someone else beat me to the punch and nabbed for their site which is actually based on fishing and makes little reference to actual living fossils. Oh well, guess I should pick up while it's still available. :)

- DL

Coelacanth 04-30-2001 07:48 AM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
I've used the name "Coelacanth" for quite some time now in various forums and in online gaming. A lot of people have no idea what it is; some gamers thought it was a name from a fantasy book or something.

I'm just a marine life nut, and coelacanths are one of the more interesting denizens.

Digital Lungfish 04-30-2001 01:46 PM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
It's true, the Coelacanth is a rather "unique" fish, it was quite possibly the single most important scientific find of the last century.

What amazes me though is that the Ceolacanth, a fish which has had such wide spread public exposure through many forms of media (stamps, books, video games (Darius series), documentaries, art, news, etc.) still isn't known by the greater majority of the public.

A shame that it's virtually impossible to keep in a public aquarium, otherwise people might actually get a chance to experience it first hand. Unfortunately the poor fish just doesn't do well outside of the ocean depths it's accustomed to (hence the "Deep Release" kits that the Comoro fisherman use).

Digital Lungfish
Steven Patton (financial contributor to and the Comoro rescue efforts)

Tiny Turtle 04-30-2001 04:25 PM

Regal Tang remake
When the fishes get different behavioral patterns, will the Regal Tang start swimming in that special way it does which looks like it's flying using the pectoral fins as wings? (I can't really explain how it looks, but if you've seen one IRL, you know what I'm talking about.)

Also, If it's possible could it be even more intensely blue? - This has to be the "bluest" fish in the world and should be so in the SS as well.


"If someone says that they're a pathological liar, do you believe them?"

05-02-2001 09:22 AM

Re: Hopefully this one wasn't already mentioned
Just see the visual plug-in AVS and in the Display Settings check the "Overlay Mode" and "Set Desktop to color". You'll see what I mean.

Tiny Turtle 05-02-2001 01:03 PM

Re: Hopefully this one wasn't already mentioned
Exactly how did this reply end up here?!

05-02-2001 03:58 PM

Re: Hopefully this one wasn't already mentioned
What's wrong with this reply?

Tiny Turtle 05-02-2001 04:47 PM

Re: Hopefully this one wasn't already mentioned
Nothing's wrong with it. I just tried typing a reply with my head up my a** and not thinking att all (didn't work out that great..) Sorry 'bout it.


Tiny Turtle 05-03-2001 01:25 PM

Alternative background suggestion that would work
I've previously expressed my idea of having a sole lionfish hovering in a aquarium with a black backround.

Would it be possible to be able to turn off all the coral and rocks and just have an empty bottom?

To me it seems pretty simple to do. Nothing to add, just remove some stuff. Since there is no lionfish available yet(but I keep longing for one...), I'll have to settle for some other fish, but that might be fun as a variation on the regular background.


Digital Lungfish 05-07-2001 03:46 AM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
Hey Jim,

I know that we haven't brought up the idea of new lighting featrues in the aquarium for a while now, but I wanted to run this one by you. It's nothing all that exciting, but it might be worth considering.

- Random light/sun rays cast down through the water from the
surface, much like you would see in the ocean.

Although the effect we have in the aquarium at this time (texture moving across the surface of the corals and gravel) is definately exceptional, I think this kind of lighting would be a nice compliment to it. Especially if you were to make it so that this feature kicks in under low light settings only.

- DL

Jim Sachs 05-07-2001 10:33 AM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
You don't really see this in aquariums unless the water is VERY dirty. However, I do plan to eventally add the "lightplay" to the tops of the fish.

Kirby Smith 05-07-2001 06:40 PM

more swimming fish
I didn't see this suggestion in 11 pages of wishes, which are incorporated herein by reference (just in case there is a vote in progress).

How about allowing more swimming fish from the existing set of fish types available. One might incremently advance the number until the frame rate began degrading significantly. (Assume a gigantic filter system.)


Digital Lungfish 05-07-2001 06:44 PM

Re: The Sachs Aquarium WISHLIST
Yes you're right of course, I know it's not the sort of thing you see in a reef tank, I guess I was thinking bigger. Shame on me! ;)

As for the light play on the tops of the fish, I'm sure that will look simply amazing when you finally put it in.
What about the snails, starfish, shrimp, etc? Will we also see this feature used on them?

- DL

Digital Lungfish 05-08-2001 01:47 AM

Re: more swimming fish
"How about allowing more swimming fish from the existing set of fish types available. One might incremently advance the number until the frame rate began degrading significantly. (Assume a gigantic filter system.)"

We've actually discussed this in the past and according to Jim it's not something that he wants to do. As it is now, 7 fish is already quite a bit for an aquarium of this size and he wants to keep it as realistic as possible without pushing the boundaries to the point of exaggeration.

Eventually he's going to add other sea creatures (non-fish) to the aquarium, this should help to expand it's diversity. Things like snails, starfish, shrimp, octopus, and more.

- DL

Jav400 05-08-2001 06:18 AM

Re: more swimming fish

When the background is changed to a "panning" situation, the tank will be considered larger and the ability to choose more fish is a possibility, but only a few more, definitely not unlimited additions. With some of todays cutting edge Video Cards, you could push it to the point of being totally unrealistic. One of Jim's main goals is to become and remain, as realistic as possible.

Kirby Smith 05-08-2001 11:17 PM

Re: more swimming fish
OK, I surrender.


Digital Lungfish 05-08-2001 11:44 PM

Re: more swimming fish
Hahaha, no we're not ganging up on you Kirby. ;) If anything we just like to share information with one another and in those cases when someone asks a question that Jim has already answered many times before, we do what we can to help take the load off his hands. This way he can remain focured on his work (the screensaver).

If Jim has the time he'll answer, if not, then Morgan probably will, if he's too busy (lazy), then I'll probably jump in when I'm around, and so on and so on. :)

- DL

05-10-2001 11:04 AM

Fish wishlist
I would like to place my vote for a lion fish, though it would no doubt be difficult to acheive with all those flowing fins.
A Majestic angel would also be good and I`m looking forward to the arrival of the banded shrimp.
If you ever have realistic anemones, then the clownfish could hang around it as in real life.
I`m also looking forward to being able to feed them.
I used to keep tropical marines but can`t now through lack of space (I live on a boat now) so this program is the closest I can get to my old hobby - Thanks

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