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Jim Sachs 04-24-2010 08:00 AM

OK, Next music track.

cjmaddy 04-24-2010 08:16 AM


JohnWho 04-24-2010 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by JohnWho (Post 120908)
"Audio On/Off"

"Next Audio Selection"

Well, earlier I suggested the above,

but "Audio On/Off" wouldn't be right since the Bubble audio could still be on.

"Playlist On/Off" seems better, to me.

Also, sorry to be such a stickler, but "Next Music Track" wouldn't technically be accurate if the playlist consists of non-music sounds such as sounds of a rainforest, or jungle, or river bank, etc. (Yes, I'll admit it, I actually have these. Now you know who bought those CDs.) :)

Perhaps, a more accurate "Next Playlist Selection" would be more all encompassing and would appear consistant with "Playlist On/Off", too.

Also, then, in the "Program Settings" menu, change the "Music" check box/volume adjustment to "Playlist".

Oops - also in the "Music Playlist" screen, change "Music Volume" to "Playlist Volume. Maybe also call the screen the "Audio Playlist" instead of "Music Playlist"?

Geez, then you'd also have to change the button on the "Marine Aquarium Settings" main screen to "Audio Playlist", too.

Just throwing out suggestions. Please don't throw anything back at me.


Jim Sachs 04-24-2010 05:22 PM

If you'll notice, v11f has it as "Next music track", and thus it will remain for all eternity. Or at least until you can convince Steve Jobs to rename iTunes because it covers not just tunes, but books-on-cd, lectures, apps, etc.

Moving on...:)

JohnWho 04-24-2010 05:25 PM

Well, that's better than having something thrown back at me.


*makes note that Jim probably isn't the other person who bought those Rainforest/Jungle/Ocean relaxation CDs*

Jav400 04-24-2010 06:58 PM

The only other thing I would request Jim is that when you create the files for download I wish you would keep the same name for them. :)

I just open the zip and extract the file to system32 for installation, which works fine if they all have the same name, even my desktop shortcut for manual starting works every time, if not I end up with different copies in the same folder.

Jim Sachs 04-24-2010 07:42 PM

When I compile it as a Beta (which I finally remembered to do with this version), the filename comes out as MA3Beta.scr.

Dale 05-10-2010 11:16 AM

Simple - but perhaps too late for this version?

CTRL-R should reset default sleep setting.

Jim Sachs 05-10-2010 01:50 PM


patscarr 05-15-2010 04:52 PM

Or just a button that resets everything to their default settings.

Dale 05-15-2010 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by patscarr (Post 121552)
Or just a button that resets everything to their default settings.

In the "About" panel, it says that CTRL-R is "Reset all to default settings".

However, I think doing that (strictly) might not be what most people want. For instance, I wouldn't want CTRL-R to change my music, or clock, or number or type of fish, or colors, or ..... (and it doesn't do that).

It does reset several things, though (e.g., most or all of the things in the Program Settings panel).

But it's a good question. What should "all" mean, in "reset all"?

Jim Sachs 05-15-2010 08:38 PM

Currently, it means:

MouseExit = FALSE;
AlwaysTop = FALSE;
TitleBar = TRUE;
ShowCrystal = TRUE;
Autopan = TRUE;
PanSpeed = 0.3;
SavedPanSpeed = 0.3f;
CurrentBGSet = 0;
TopColor = default color;
BottomColor = default color;
BubbleSound =FALSE;
Music =TRUE;
Volume =1500;
MusicVolume =1500;
MouseInWindow =FALSE;
CurrentFishSet = 0;
NumFishSets = 1;
CycleFishSets = FALSE;
Drawbubbles = TRUE;
EyePt = 3.6, 1.01, -20.0;
CurrentLogo =0;
Sleeptime = 10;

Dale 05-16-2010 08:51 AM

Thanks for the information.

It looks like CTRL-R will reset everything in Program Settings, and Colors; Sleep; and:

Turn off all fish (I didn't remember that as the default).

But it doesn't change Display mode, Music Playlist, and Clock/Logo. [Perhaps it should reset display mode?]

And it doesn't change things that are "temporary" (Wireframe mode, etc.)

Did I get that right?

Question: I thought I had noticed that it also resets the digital clock/calendar color? Perhaps not? Perhaps it should?

Also, what is EyePt? How is that changed, otherwise?

Jim Sachs 05-16-2010 09:56 AM

The Eye Point is the camera position. It's something that's recorded, so if the user were to mess with those numbers in the Registry, the view could get very ugly. CTRL-R would reset it to a proper position, which would be saved the next time the program exits.

I'll look into all that other stuff when I get a chance.

Dale 05-16-2010 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 121567)
I'll look into all that other stuff when I get a chance.

That's why we're here - to identify the stuff.

[i.e., cause more work for you]


Dale 05-16-2010 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 120964)
If you'll notice, v11f has it as "Next music track", and thus it will remain for all eternity.

Moving on...:)

L should be "Next Clock/Logo" or "Next in Logo List".

Jim Sachs 05-16-2010 12:03 PM

Changed to Next in logo list.

Ralph 05-16-2010 03:14 PM

Not to put any pressure on you Jim... :) but will Beta 11F not expire soon?

Dale 05-16-2010 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ralph (Post 121589)
Not to put any pressure on you Jim... :) but will Beta 11F not expire soon?

Jim said 30 days, Henemly said June 22, 2010.

Jim Sachs 05-16-2010 03:53 PM

I'm very close to getting 11g out the door. Should have been tonight, but my wife just informed me that the shower faucet is leaking, so I'll be spending the afternoon on that.

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