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Old 03-24-2010, 09:54 AM   #123
Jim Sachs
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Join Date: Dec 2000

Location: Southern Oregon
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The eyelid is a little better, but I'm still not comfortable to be seen in public. It seems that when I look down and try to avoid eye contact, it just makes people all the more prying and curious.

The concrete turned out fine. Maybe I'll set up a link to some pictures and keep it by Invitation-only, to keep out the psychos.

The lighting interface is coming along slowly. Most people would consider it drudgery, but I find this part quite refreshing. I don't have to invent anything, just DO it. But it's a lot more complex than you might imagine. For example, there must be at least one background color-set active. The default is both #1 and #2. Now the user turns on set 3. On the interface, the box around that set, the top color swatch, the bottoms color-swatch, the edit box for the timer, and the word "Sec" must all be set to Active (non-grayed),and a checkmark must be placed in the "On" box. Each of these things have to be done individually, not in a loop, since they are designated by #defined numbers which are set and changed by Dev Studio, and are not necessarily in a particular order.
The reverse scenario is brought into play when the user turns off a color-set. I must make sure that there is always at least one color-set active, so if all of them are turned off, set #1 must pop on. There are a seemingly infinite number of logical threads that have to be accounted for, but it's coming along.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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