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Old 02-05-2011, 11:49 PM   #101
Jim Sachs
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The video is very well-done. It must have taken forever to get all those eye-blinks drawn in. They even follow the head movements perfectly.

I was thinking of doing a similar spoof with "face-computing" - using eye-tracking and facial movements to replace the mouse. Since there is already software that can track your eye movements and position the cursor to where you were looking on the screen, I thought it would be funny to carry things a step further, adding left eye-blink for left mouse-button, two left-blinks to double-click, wiggle nose for mouse-wheel, etc. In the animation, I would be on one side of the screen, dead-panning the narration while my face would be going through hilarious rapid contortions. On the other side of the screen, the resulting computer input would be shown - button-clicking, cut, paste, delete, moving icons around, etc. I ended up realizing it would be too much work to produce.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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