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Submariner 11-28-2004 03:42 PM

MA in the movies?
I just saw "Bridget Jones 2" ( it wasn't my idea) For a second
I saw a screensaver come on in the movie. I could swear
it was MA. It was so fast and unexpected that I can't be 100% sure.
How did Jim muscle his way into the movies?


Jim Sachs 11-28-2004 04:43 PM

If by "muscle my way in", you mean having Hollywood walk all over me and use it without my permission, then yes, that's exactly what happened. Just another instance where they just went ahead and used it without asking. Just like "Smallville", "Law and Order", and several other productions. I would have said OK, but it's nice if they would at least ask.

("Extreme Home Makeover" and "Big Brother" were two shows that did ask. )

Submariner 11-28-2004 05:24 PM

By muscle I meant it as a joke. You should
be pleased that it was in the movie. The people
who used it were obviously impressed by it. You don't sound pleased.


Jim Sachs 11-28-2004 05:41 PM

It doesn't hurt to have the Aquarium show up in movies and TV shows, but it doesn't help, either. Sales have never been impacted by these things unless there's a clear message regarding what you are looking at and where to get it. The "TechTV" spot a couple of years ago had our web address on the screen and sales quadrupled for a couple of days.

feldon34 11-28-2004 08:51 PM

I mean really, what does it cost them to say "Aquarium courtesy of" ?

They seem to have space to thank their dog's personal therapists in the end credits of these movies, why not the Aquarium?

ESHIREY 11-28-2004 09:05 PM

You're right. Maybe if they got a call from your lawyer they just might start to ask and give credit where credit is due.

feldon34 11-28-2004 09:36 PM

Unfortunately Jim doesn't know that the Aquarium has been included in something until it has already aired.

Sergiales 11-29-2004 02:16 AM

Perhaps you can claim anyway.

Jim Sachs 11-29-2004 10:41 AM

The problem with lawsuits is that you have to prove damages. The Aquarium sales or reputation are not actually damaged by these infringements, so going to court is a waste of time and money.

drfish 11-29-2004 10:53 AM

IANAL, but I don't think Coke or Nike would be quite so friendly about it... Why is showing shoes in a closet or a pop can sitting on a counter different? Why do those items have to be blurred out?

Racer-X 11-29-2004 11:10 AM

IANAL either, but from my understanding of photography right, etc, things would be blurred out for a couple of reasons.

The first situation is where you don't want to give free advertising away. Why show Nike shoes or someone sipping a Coke if they didn't pay you? I've seen that sort of thing in music videos.

The second possibility is that it shows the product in unflattering ways. It's difficult to provide examples given the G rating of this forum.


Sergiales 11-29-2004 11:18 AM

The reason for which MA is shown everywhere is because it is damn GOOD!. :) :)
If it's not really usefull going to court, at least a phone-call saying "hey guys, my product is being shown on your TV show/film, and i'm the creator". :)

Jim Sachs 12-03-2004 08:58 PM

By the way - anyone who has seen the Aquarium in something which hasn't been mentioned here before, now is the time to speak up! Prolific is composing an " seen on..." page for which lists all the shows which have featured MA.

Jav400 12-03-2004 09:03 PM

What are they listing so far Jim?

Liath 12-03-2004 09:21 PM


Prolific is composing an " seen on..." page
That is an excellent idea. I just saw, in a Mac magazine, a short blurb about the goldfish aquarium. Right next to it, on the same page was an ad for some computer gadget or something (I'd have to call mom to find out what) but there was an image from SSA in the ad. It was doctored to look like a different screensaver, but it was still very obviously stolen. I thought it ironic that the ad was on the same page as the GA article.

Jim Sachs 12-04-2004 01:23 AM

Thanks, Liath - we'll look that one up.

Jav - I believe that so far they have Smallville, Law and Order, Extreme Home Makeover, Big Brother, TechTV, Bridgette Jones 2, and some German CIA movie.

Tiny Turtle 12-06-2004 02:21 AM

The latest issue of the Swedish edition of Mac World had a note and a link (along with a pic of Monstro) on GA. Perhaps I should scan it (along with a translating caption)?

/Tiny Switcher

Jim Sachs 12-06-2004 03:34 AM

Prolific might do the same thing on the GA site, but right now we're just looking for instances where MA has been seen in the media.

Tiny Turtle 12-06-2004 03:37 AM

Ok. How abou DL's screenshot from the Far Cry game? That one has to count as media, right?

Jim Sachs 12-06-2004 03:41 AM

Well...that's borderline. Movies, TV, magazines, newspapers.

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