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Sunset Cliffs 03-03-2004 09:24 AM

The most bizarre freshwater pet
Jim this is to you Its my first time and I have had your aquarium saver on my desktop for a long time its the only one I have ever actually paid for in my life cause all the others are just not worthy.
I was reading the forum and thought to myself that Im in california san diego to be exact and one day I walked into this hole in the wall pet store ran by some strange korean person and found this freshwater creature called a waterdog you might find it rather interesting I havent seen one anywhere else since then but he was the coolest pet that ive had in a freshwater aquarium its a sort of aquatic lizard that will only eat bloodworms and I had to hand feed the thing but check it out there pretty cool! Bizzare but cool? thanks thats all

ESHIREY 03-03-2004 10:25 AM

Hey Sunset Cliffs . Welcome to the forums . You will love it here . Everyone here is very nice . We are like a big family . The water dog sounds cool .

Again , welcome :TU:

Jim Sachs 03-03-2004 11:42 AM

Hi, Sunset -

What's the address of that pet store?

CephaloP 03-03-2004 11:47 AM

I think he's talking about an axlotl - the gilled nymph form of certain newts and salamanders. We used to have them at the store I worked at, young tiger salamanders.

Jav400 03-03-2004 01:01 PM

That sounds right, there is a wild version here that we use for fishing with live bait. Smallmouth love them.

James 03-04-2004 04:36 AM

check out the Freshwater wishlist thread...we've talk about axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) before :)

FishyBusiness 03-06-2004 02:42 PM

I think he is talking about something different.

Necturus maculosus maculosus (Common Mudpuppy a.k.a Waterdog) They look a little bit different than the pics that James posted. Kind of the same though.

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