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CephaloP 11-17-2003 02:28 PM


Originally posted by Jim Sachs
The Arrowana is too big. Discus fish will probably be the biggest.
Well Tiny, we tried. :(

Tiny Turtle 11-18-2003 01:54 AM


(– I wanna!)

James 11-18-2003 03:16 AM

Does Tiny ever request an Arrowana in Freshwater Aquarium before? I don't recall nor find the releven post (maybe I overlooked)

Tiny Turtle 11-18-2003 04:30 AM

Fourth post in this very thead...

/Tiny Oversight

GreenHsiF 12-06-2003 06:13 AM

I saw these fish on the news,but there illegal to have in California at the moment.Could they be added to the freshwater aquarium?

Panthera 12-06-2003 09:32 AM

Such pretty fish - I wonder why they are illegal.

midranger4 12-06-2003 10:02 AM


Originally posted by Panthera
Such pretty fish - I wonder why they are illegal.
I suspect because these new fish are genetically modified for purely entertainment/asthetic purposes some groups/people are rightfully against someone profiting from such actions.

California would certainly be one of the first states to raise such an issue I think.

Panthera 12-06-2003 10:07 AM

I know piranha's are illegal here.. I didn't know California had such issues.

IXNAY 12-07-2003 03:37 AM

wow, very strange
wonder if humans can get that fluorescense gene :D

hyla01 12-10-2003 11:21 AM


wow, very strange
wonder if humans can get that fluorescense gene
Yeah, that would have been real popular in the 80's ;)

Arowana 01-06-2004 11:43 PM


Originally posted by Jim Sachs
The Arrowana is too big. Discus fish will probably be the biggest.
Boooooo!!! Arowana! Arowana! Arowana!

You don't have to make a big one... just make a baby one. They're too elegant and graceful to leave out. Please reconsider.

Yellow Tang 01-07-2004 12:53 PM

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Yet another suggestion... :)
It's a Tropheus sp. black "Ikola" Cichlid. Nice yellow color!

IXNAY 01-08-2004 09:40 AM

uhm, not bad, but not very special also
are there some news to report about jim?

drfish 01-08-2004 12:05 PM

Looks like a Tropheus Moorii to me... Glad to see someone with interest in Tang[anyikan]s... :) I hope more cichilds than the Anglefish make it into the FA, Blue Rams would be nice or maybe Kribs... Of course I wouldn't want any Tanganyikans in it, they need a screen saver of their own...

IXNAY 01-09-2004 09:14 AM

The Blue Rams and Kribs look excellent!!!

angeltalena 01-18-2004 03:31 PM

I am new here and would like to suggest Guppies. I know there are plain ones but some are just gorgeous and I had a whole aquarium with them once and loved it. Thanks and hello to all,

ESHIREY 01-18-2004 04:12 PM

angeltalena Welcome to the forums . We are like a big family here and I'm sure you will love it here . As for the Guppies, sorry . They talked about that before and Jim has said no guppies .

IXNAY 01-19-2004 04:39 AM

really sad that there are no guppies :(

Alan Smithee 01-26-2004 11:18 AM

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hey there,

I'm new to the forum but i would like to make some suggestions.
I really like to see a Crab or some Shrimps if that would possible.

this picture is from my crab "Crappy"

ESHIREY 01-26-2004 11:27 AM

Hello and welcome to the forums Alan Smithee . I like your pic . If I remember right I think there was talk about a crab . I could be wrong . Someone that does know for sure will let you know soon .

You see we are like a family here and you will find a lot of questions you have can be answered here . And not just about these programs . :TU:

Again ......... Welcome

Jim Sachs 01-26-2004 12:37 PM

Hi, Alan -

Yes freshwater crabs are planned, but there are a lot of things ahead of them on the list.

That's a great-looking tank. Can we see a wider shot?

Alan Smithee 01-26-2004 02:46 PM

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Thanx guys,

I'm feeling very welkom.

This was a picture of my first tank, a very small one (an 8 cornerd column).
I regard to say this is one of few photo's i have from it.

Now i have 4 tanks (2x 60x40x30 and 2x 43x40x40) if you would to some pictures of Those(?) let me know.

And here is a picture of "freaky"

Is there going to be an applesnail in there?

memilm 01-27-2004 04:24 AM

More tank pictures will be nice.

Jav400 01-27-2004 06:17 AM

Welcome to the Forum Alan, and if you have any more photos let us see them. :)

Alan Smithee 01-27-2004 12:29 PM

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As promissed the pictures of my tanks:

Alan Smithee 01-27-2004 12:30 PM

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The smaltank of my girlfriend.

Alan Smithee 01-27-2004 12:31 PM

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picture of my larger tank

Alan Smithee 01-27-2004 12:32 PM

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and the larger tank of my girl friend

IXNAY 01-27-2004 01:35 PM

WELCOME to the forums alan, I really like your pics, they are great, especially the crabpictures!!! Please post everything you have :D
It's really nice that crabs are planned for the freshwateraquarium :)

patscarr 01-28-2004 12:49 AM

Welcome aboard Alan. Just for future reference, you don't have to post everything in this one thread. Feel free to start your own "Alan Smithee's Fishtank" thread in the Coffee House or search around for other threads containing pics of members fishtanks, I know there are a few. We'll cut you some slack this time, since your new. :)

Alan Smithee 01-28-2004 02:16 PM

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sorry about the pictures guys. :(
I'm to trillt about the crabs in the screensaver but there are many more non-fish animals that are kept in fresh water tanks.
But i gues(?) the crab is king. But an apple snail on the side would be nice.

Tiny Turtle 01-29-2004 01:40 AM

No need to be sorry Alan.
Pat put a smiley at the end, see? If M³ (Morgan & Michael the Moderators) have a problem with these posts here they are perfectly capable of moving them to a new thread.

How large is such a crab, btw?

/Tiny Worry

Jav400 01-29-2004 06:28 AM


Your pictures are fine. We asked for them. :) I can always move, delete, resize, or whatever needs to be done. Keep them coming. :)

Alan Smithee 01-29-2004 02:25 PM

Hey ya guys,

I'm glad that thats out tha way.

The Crab (Dont now his name, but dutch is red crab) become about 3 to 5cm (1,5/2 inch) but that depands on the size of the tank to.


Dragonwoman 02-09-2004 11:41 AM

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I'll go with Alan about the crabs, they are great fun (If you dont mind restocking the tank every so often!) I have 2 red clawed crabs like Alans called Buster & Biff. This is Biff.

Jav400 02-09-2004 12:02 PM

Nice photo, Welcome to the forum. :)

ESHIREY 02-09-2004 08:05 PM

Yes welcome to the forums . :TU:

IXNAY 02-10-2004 04:59 PM

Really good picture and welcome to the forums :)

Yellow Tang 02-11-2004 11:41 AM

Oh no, yet another double poster...

IXNAY 02-11-2004 04:31 PM

Upsi :)
deleted it

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